CiMTB and Belvitur have a partnership to support teams in mountain bike events in Araxá, Minas Gerais

Company is available to provide support for teams coming to Brazil to compete between March and April

CiMTB, in partnership with the tourism holding Belvitur, thought of a way to facilitate the logistics of teams from all over the world, who will come to Araxá to compete in the opening of the International Cup and in the double round of the World Cup, the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series. Therefore, all teams that need support with rentals or other matters related to coming to Brazil can contact the company through the following contact:

Rita – Belvitur
WhatsApp: +55 11 996680472

In 2022, the year that marked the return of the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup to Brazil, in Petrópolis (RJ), Belvitur was also a partner of the local organization, with regard to accommodation and passport sales. Now, they are resuming the partnership, seeking to make life easier for the teams that will be participating in the events.

Stage #1 of the Copa Internacional de Mountain Bike – March 28-30
Stage #1 of the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series – April 3-6
Stage #2 of the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series – April 9-12

The history of CiMTB
The CiMTB organization held its first event in 1996. Since then, it has been innovating and actively contributing to the growth and strengthening of mountain biking and the bicycle market in Brazil. Counting points for the International Cycling Union (UCI) world ranking since 2004, CiMTB has been a qualifier for the Olympic Games in the Beijing 2008, London 2012, Rio 2016, Tokyo 2020 and Paris 2024 cycles.

In 2022, CiMTB further increased its international relevance, with the opening stage of the Mercedes-Benz Mountain Bike World Cup 2022, in Petrópolis, and in 2024 it organized the Araxá stage of the WHOOP UCI Mountain Bike World Series. In addition, it was responsible for the construction of the mountain bike track for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, considered one of the best in the history of the Games since 1996, the first year of MTB in the Olympics.

More information about CiMTB:

Press Office
Gustavo Coelho

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